Invasion of the Lambs #5

by Dylan · August 26, 2008 · Invasion of the Lambs · 12 Comments

Many sites have screencap quizzes, but how many are invaded by LAMBs? Every so often, I’ll post a screen shot, only the actors heads will be “lambed out” – all you gotta do is name the film and the bodies that the lambs have overtaken.

Success for me! The last Invasion took a whole two guesses. (Hey – I’m learning as I go here!) Save for what might be a distinctive background, this one might just be tougher. Though, as we’ve seen, we have a diverse group of LAMBs that can probably get just about any of these with relative ease, short of me using, as Graham suggested, a super-close-up of just someone’s face. And I just might go there still…

In the meantime, kill my self-esteem even more by getting this in less than two guesses, people.

Fox (Tractor Facts): 2
Joseph (Cinexcellence): 1
Dean (filmicability with Dean Treadway): 1