Poll results; new poll

by Dylan · November 13, 2008 · New Poll · No Comments

A month ago, I asked you to come down on the age limit question for new LAMBs. 62% voted for an age limit of some sort, with 28% saying no and the remainder somewhere in the middle.

So, now that we’ve settled that there will be one, I wanted to have a slight re-vote to determine the proper age. The “Yes” votes previously were spread amongst three different times, and there was a winner, but I’d like to give all the No/other voters a chance to chime in on this as well.


In the other poll up, it was nice to see that 36% of you are like me – that is, spending 91+ minutes per day either blogging or reading some other movie blog/site. As for the 18% that spend just 0-30 minutes per day – what’s wrong with you? 😉